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The BoyBoy

He ish some1 hu ish alwae alone...
alone in the darkx darkx worldx of moii
he was bought to this place on 31st may
he has alr been in his dark world for 15 yrs
he loves his friens more den anything...
sometimes he can be berii emotional
lyks to hab loads of freedom
he iSh nEba LovEd
alwaE walking in his dark path...alOnely
haS been HopIng to fiNd hiS ligHt of hOpe
cAn haV beRii fAsT mOodswIngS
cAn bE an aNgel at tyMes...cAn be a dEviL at tymES
n euu can noe him through his dark mail
which ish limyw1@hotmail.com

A story of a boii hu c no light
a boii hu never loves a fight
bt in his dark n lonely world
he ish alwae in a twirl

jus b4 e nite went dark
he had always wish for a hug
from some1 hu he reali love
bt all he found are jus his cut

w8ing 4 a rite gal jus 4 him
bt all this are jus a dream
when he woke up all were gone
for he will nb fulfill his wish

in his dark n lonely world
when loneliness were all over
nb be happy again
as all the happiness ish covered
rEaLii tIrEd oF liFe...tEars ArE sAltY in m0ii moUth
Em0 lOvEs<33

Photobucket []m0ii friEnS<33
[]m0ii hp<33
[]all of euu!!!

!!Em0 s0nG!!

!!Em0 ShOuTs!!

Throw Your Love

Photobucket [+]alicia^^-Precious dear dear!
[+]adraiin^^-1e2"07 aka audi pr0
[+]jAsmine^^-angela de godsis
[+]f00aik-badminton junior'07
[+]jengila^^-1e2'07 aka xiiaomei
[+]jia ying-1e2'07 aka audi pr0
[+]junhong-1e2'07 aka shUaiix Ge!
[+]kAhyAn-6b'04 aka "qinaide"=X
[+]kAifeng-1e2'07 aka audi pr0
[+]kaisong-aka ahGong
[+]kelly^^-a gal hu alwae punch moii tummy
[+]lily^^-3e3'07 aka mAngali
[+]litIng^^-1e2'07 aka pinky
[+]QingHui-6b'04 aka gan jie
[+]Su Rui^^-wgps'06
[+]Su Wei^^-wgps'06
[+]sui chyuen^^-badminton active cute junior=X
[+]yarlee^^- blogskins creator


September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008


Picture: Photoshop CS2
Wednesday, June 18, 2008

weeyouwee...!!! ii m back!!! any1 miss wo??? doubt so lorh=[
kkies la jus back from moii chalet!!!
it was so fun lorhs!!! hehex it rocks!!!
hahas...kkies this ish wad happened=D

day 1:
okies..wake up quite late??? at around 10+ bahhs=X
den jiu go plae com awhile..den bathe
den jason reached moi hse at around 12=D
that ish e tyme ii asked him to reach moii hse
was lucky that ii finish moii bathe...phew
den he help me with e things that i nid to bring to e chalet
he rocks k! best buddies!=D
den mum, di, jaso and me set off for pasir ris
was quite bored in e mrt..blahs blahs blahs
den received a msg from dear dear...
she told me that she reached le
omg...let her wait again...ii so bad nahhs><
den saw dear dear at mrt station..她好漂亮!!!<33
den introduce her to moii mum lehs.wahahas!
went to White Sands to eat...den meet jen, kf and sihan
took bus 354 to coastal sands..
mum help wo take e keys den went to e room...
haiyas the staff so blur de...
even blur-er den moii dear lehs
gave us the wrong key..
make me walk back change..zzz
den went into e room..every1 was lyk finally!!!
we put our things jiu lie on e bed le!!!
wahahas..all hao slack
den afte awhile went to buy e things needed for bbq..woots!
bought lots lots lots of things lorhs...
caused a bomb!!!
bt nbm la...cus it worth it!
okies den went back chalet put all e things
den also open e present jengila gave jason..guess wad?
e present was a big big tigger cushion lehs...
and it has a balloon effect...inside ish jengila's "air"
hahas jason treat it a 宝..will tell euu all why=D
den after awhile went down to prepare the bbq pit
hmmm...was quite complicated...
spent lots of tyme to start e fire
hahas den soon everything was rdy and
every1 was dere bbq-ing!!!
woots la..so fun...kajiao dear dear a few tymes during bbq=X
den kf dey all went to buy bubbles!!! hehex...
hmmm remember dear once told me
she thinks that bubbles is beri nice=D
hahas..den soon tyme flies...
mum, jen and sihan gtg home lorhs
sae buhbyes to them=D
den after that all went back to room...
every1 was quite tired out
hmmm especially dear dear...=X
den every1 went to bathe...
hmmm watched shows at nite
after shows..lights out...
moii bro felt aslp first...den kf...
ii thought dear and jason oso sleep le
bt nv..ii also nv..
honestly now ii tell euu all why ii sae jason treat
e tigger cushion lyk a 宝...
he hugged it e whole nite and pressed the cusion against
his face the whole nite lehs..pro hor...
if any1 of us dare to press that cusion..
he will "kill" us! OMG
den around 3+am...
he asked me to go buy machicken for him
siao la...so late wan me go buy...haiyos...
den after awhile we 3 also knockout le...nites nites!

Day 2:
woke up at 745+am...den saw bro awake...
also saw jason still pressing hiis 宝贝cusion against his face
hahas so funny lorhs..kip make fun of him=X
den dear dear also woke le...all woke le..except kaifeng..
okies den asked them wad they wanted for breakfast
went mac to buy breakfast for them...
dear dear accompanied lehs...lovees dear dear la!
okies! went back and every1 hab their breakfast...
den go escape! hmmm escape was boring...nth much
hahas so went back to room instead..every1 slack...
den soon every1 felt tired and lie down...
at first bro felt aslp...den ii tot also felt aslp le..
OMG was wrong...said something that ii alwae wanted to
tell her..bt bu gan...didn't noe that she didn't slp
omg omg omg...PAISEHX sia!!! ><
hahas den soon went down to prepare for bbq...
ii didn't go down help cus lazy...
den found that dear dear
guai guai de><>
she den told me that she felt sick
den ii felt her forehead and notice that she hab a slight fever
omg..so stayed in the room to look after her
she bu ting hua de...ask her put e wet hanky over her
forehead she dun wan...rahhs!!!
den went down awhile to help with the bbq..
bbq some things for dear dear...den ii bo liao nth to do
go make some patterns with the food...
hope that dear will hab more appeitide when saw e pattern
hahas...e pattern ish a HEART pattern=D
hmmm den saw dear ate finish le den go down..
at least she gortt eat..=D dun lyk to c her sick ehs><
c le xin tong tong de><
den after some tyme went up to

check dear dear temperature
fever subsided...phews glad that she ish okies
den she told me that she needed to go to white sands mall
to meet up with her parents...accompanied her...
bu fang xin ta!!! later some1 ba ta zhua zhou><
hahas den waited for her...received a msg from dear
ask me to go back first cus her parents will send her back
so okies lorhs..took a bus back...she told me to go back room
den ii went back earlier den her lehs...
tot wad happened to her
sia si wo le lorhs><
den wanted to go look for dear de...saw dear dear back
phew...she ish safe and sound=D
okies den went back in...found out something from moii bro
something ii dun wish to sae...it ish gross..=X
den played heart attack using e poker cards moii bro bought
guess wad..me and dear dear hab alot of chemistry...muo qi!
ii pass wad card she also pass e same card...ohh...!
hmmm den watched mystic files with dear dear
was a nice show..aftr that show..
every1 was quite tired...ii haii dear dear can't slp ehs><
sobsosbs ii so bad lorhs...felt that ii was a berii bad bf
that tyme lehhs...reali wanted to punish myself
hmmm lucky ii woke den saw dear dear haben slp
hong ta shui...den after dear dear slp le
ii jiu check whether the temperature ish ritt
hmmm scared dear dear too cold den cant slp

Day 3:
hmmm bro was e first to wake den jiu come kajiao wo
den woke dear dear up><
she ish so pretty when she ish aslp lorhs...<33
den asked dear dear gt up bt she dun wan...eeyyeerr
dear dear ish LAICHUANgongzhu!
hahas zhu zhu!!! piggy!!!
bt ii lovees zhu zhu!!!=X
hahas...soon every1 packed hao jiu checked out le
went to mac to eat...joked alot dere
hahas...soon nid to go le...
went to flag a taxi for dear dear...kissed her goodbye
so bu she de lorhs=[...reali bu she de!!!
dear dear ish loved la!!! miss her alr!=[
ermm below ish two pics take at mac=D
hahas!!! kkies la yawns late le..go watch show le!! cya all!


lalala 10:36 PM

Friday, June 6, 2008

wow...got a charm for moii jimbeam in maple 2dae
guess what???
ii gt e best charm lehs!!!
omg la...dear also gt e best charm
c we so fated=X
hahas!!! maple was fun!

lalala 12:33 AM

Thursday, June 5, 2008

haiish...was feeling very down now...
dear dear was MIA...sobs sobs...
haiish...wo hao fan arhs!!!><
mei you ni de re zhi..jian zi bi di yu hai nan shou
cor her lots of tymes le...bo reply=[
haiish...dunno wad happened ehs><
wo shi ge ben dan!!!
LIM YONG WEI sux!!!!

lalala 10:28 AM

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

ermm backies after some tyme...hahas
2dae was quite suay for miie...ii was stupid la
for alot reason...ermm back to do a survey request by dear de
below is e survey

#1)if your lover betrayed you, wad will ur reaction be?
Disappointed bahhs...
#2)if you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
to be e person ii love forever bahhs
#3)what will your dream wedding be like?
to be able to have e wedding in a palace in france with alot of chocolates!
#4)are you confused as to what lies ahead of you?
berii berii confused!
#5)what's your ideal lover like?
some1 hu ish able to ren moii sometyme de huai pi qi, some1 who can
make miie smile when ii m sad...and some1 hu understand me=D
#6)which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
loving some1 bahhs...bt being loved ish also good...best ish both
#7)How long do you intend to wait for someone u really love?
ermm forever bahhs...even if she ish married to other guy
#8)if the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
ii will still wait...cus ii m thiongxim de!
#9)is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
yupps...not having enuff tyme to pei dear dear=[
#10)is being tagged fun?
sometymes norhhs...negative comment nortt welcome
#11)how do you see yourself in ten years time?
if ii can see jiu hao liao lorhs...
#12) who are currently the most important people to you?
dear dear and friends!
#13)what kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
she ish moii precious dear dear!
#14)would you rather be single & rich or married but poor?
i wan to be married poor. dun lyk single life...so what if euu will be rich
no1 will be able to share ur wealth...unlyk married...euu will be able
to share ur joy, happiness and sadness..
#15)what's the first thing you do every morning?
ermm send morning to moii dear??
#16)would you give all in a relationship?
yupps...ii believe that if in a relationship..it ish best to give ur all
#17)if you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
ii dun think ii will hve this situation...choose e onee who love me lorhs
#18)what type of friends do you like
friens hu treat me lyk a frien...
#19)what type of friends do you dislike?
ermm if ish friens ii wil like de...dislike de ish nortt my frien
#20)how many people you think they fall in love with you now
hope onli 1 bahhs...others all ii wun accept de..cus dear on hart now

lalala 9:11 PM

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

hmmm 2dae a BAD BAD dae for miie!!!
rahhs!!!! hab abit of misunderstanding wib dear dear oso><
felt veri bad><><
dun wan! dun wan! rahhs!!!

dear dear...reali sry for jus now k...
ii reali shld hab asked properly
dunwanna quarrel wib euu le
reali wanna last long wib euu...
till e dae...we married...
we will de...ii noe we will de...
ii will ignore others opinion
others people thoughts...
cus moii world...euu are moii sun...
moii onli sun...<33
love you dear dear

lalala 5:05 PM

Sunday, May 18, 2008

suan le bahhs....suan le suan le...
no matter how i love a gal...sure gortt something
happen to me de...ii m jus so unlucky bahhs
does the past reali matter????
does it!!!! ANS ME!!!!
any1 !!!! jus tell miie e ans....
ii reali tot ii could start refresh without e past
mayb euu nb noe how much ii love you bahhs..
bt ii reali reali love you...ii reali do k....
ii reali dunno wad to do le...ii reali dun
ii jus dun feel lyk losing euu k...
ii hate e feeling of losing some1 ii loved k
ii hate myself!!! ii reali do!!! ii LIMYONGWEI sux!

bt dear...let miie tell euu..
ii reali reali love you...ii reali do...
ii reali wanna last long wib euu ii reali do
euu reali reali bring happiness to miie everydae
ii simply cant imagine e dae without euu...
euu hab alr taken e key of my hart
and ii hope euu dun even gib miie back...
dear dear ii love you!!!

lalala 9:56 PM

Thursday, May 15, 2008

wahahas!!! ii m finally back after ages!!!
hahas...ermm 2dae was a holidae for miie=D
cus ish marking dae...hehex was good for miie
wake up late late...den dear dear cor miie zhu
<(^(00)^)> rahhs!!! nbm sometimes ii reali m
hahas...den wake up...same dear dear msg><
den quickly reply dear dear!!!
yawns...still blurblur when wake
hahas den kaywee cor miiee tell miie hen sian cus
he cant maple><>
rahs..den went audi wib kf..plae for awhile nia
hahas den go jp meet jason and kf...ii was e earliest ehs
miracle ehs!!! hahas jason second...kf late
hahas bad bad...den went bugis
go junction walk walk awhile den go mrt fetch dear dear=D
hahas she was in uniform...hahas!
den go walk walk buy things eat eat den jiu song dear dear
go home...den ii also go home><
handphone no bat><><
hahas kkies la now for e most ma fan de quiz=="

Name 20 ppl you can think of right now randomly
dun read the ques till euu name the 20 ppl
at the end of this choose 5 ppl to do this
#1) jason
#4)Alicia dear dear
#20)sui chyuen

how did you meet #14[stephanie]?
ermm some1 birthdae party?


what if #9[gavin]& #20[sui chyuen] dated?
ermm mayb euu noe?? anyway same school school
same lvl somemore possible=X

ermm #6[sihao]& #17[vatsal] dated?
ermm nortt possible><>
cus sihao ish taken and vatsal ish oso a guy
unless singapre allow gays><

describle #3[yongjie]
he ish fat, horny bt he ish cute de! xDD

#8[sihan] attractive?
ermm she ish attractive to some1...wahahas
this onli a few ppl noe=X
bt honestly she ish good looking=D

he ish so shuai la!!! so gentlemen oso><
jealous la..rahhs!! xDD

#12[irene] family members??
ermm no...nort so close bahhs

did #18[belveder] confess to euu that he or she
lyk euu???
wahahas gortt...ur head la...he boi ii boi
bu ke neng de...mayb he lyk miie bt dare nort confess=X

wad language does #15[jiaying] speaks???
ermm alot la...mayb bangala language oso speak=X

who ish #9[gavin] going out with???
dun think hab any bahhs...shld be friens lorhs=D

how old ish #16[liting]?
ermm 14=D

when ish e last tyme euu speak to #13[kahwee]?
wow..i think ages le..hahas haben seen her nowades=D

who ish #2[seeyin] fav band or singer???
she ish moii sis...asked her..she herself dun even noe=="

have euu dated #4[alicia dear dear]???
wow..of cus...still dating now??? hahas will last long long=D

ish #19[yarlee] single???
ermm no...she ish steaading wib belveder=]

what ish #10[kevin] last name???
aiyo wan noe this for wad...ermm ish yu ern=D

would euu ever be in a relationship wib #11[kaywee]
of cus nortt...ii love dear dear okays...ii wun love a guy=="

primary school of #3[yongjie]?
ermm moii pri sch too=D West Grove Pri Sch

where does #6[kaifeng] live??
ermmm near jengila n juroong point...jurong west area=D

whats ur fav thing about #5[jengila]???
she arhs...hen ting wo de hua!!! hahas she ish kind n friendly=D

have euu seen #2[seeyin] naked??/
of cus!!! she ish moii sis..when young gortt la
hahas!!!! ii m nortt pervert okays!!!

lalala 8:15 PM